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Why Debt is Not the Teacher’s Pet.

By Frank Eichinger

Why Debt is Not the Teacher’s Pet.

Thinking back, who were your favorite teachers?  Was it the teacher who gave the easy A?  The teacher who let class out early on a regular basis?  Or was it the teacher who engaged and inspired you?  The teacher who made learning fun and took an interest in you.  Those are the teachers we remember; the teachers who made a difference in our lives.

Life Lessons

A great teacher doesn’t just assign homework and walk away.  A great teacher makes you want to learn more because it’s fun, it’s interesting, and you can see yourself and your place in the world.  When you’re carrying a lot of debt it is easy to lose sight of who you are and what you want. It’s easy to skate by with just the minimum payment.  Who’s going to notice if you skip a couple of bills, you can make them up next month.  It’s all well and fine until your report card comes out in the form of your credit rating and you’re looking at a big fat F.

When you’re struggling with debt it becomes your soul focus.  It’s an enormous stress that follows you around like the school bully.  Taunting, trapping you, whittling away at your self-confidence until you’re a shadow of your former self.  When debt is all consuming it’s time to realize you can’t fight it on your own, but how do you get out from under your debt?  How do you take back control of your life?  That’s where a great teacher comes in.

Debt Help – Your Financial Education

4 Pillars has been helping Canadians reduce debt since 2004.  In fact over 97% of their clients have stayed out of debt.  In Brampton and surrounding area, your Debt Specialist is Frank Eichinger.   As a 4 Pillars Debt Specialist Frank is that great teacher you’ve been looking for.  Not only is Frank light on the homework, he works for YOU not your creditors.  Your first consultation is free.  In that meeting you’ll be met with compassion and understanding.  Frank will create a debt settlement strategy that works for you; navigating financial terminology, helping create a proper budget, and more. Like a good teacher, Frank wants to see you succeed.

By exploring your best options Frank will help you with every aspect of your debt settlement strategy.  The solution may be as simple consolidating all of your payments and creating a workable budget.  Frank will explore your options, create a plan to deal with your creditors, and once an appropriate plan is in place, he’ll work with you to rebuild your credit. With Frank Eichinger on your team, you’ll be at the head of the class in no time.  He’ll help you reduce your debt by up to 80% and have it paid off within 5 years.   When you’re ready to buckle down and face your debt head on, call Frank Eichinger of 4 Pillars Brampton at 647-403-4992 and learn what freedom from debt can really feel like.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Details at 4Pillars.ca

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