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Category: Debt Consolidation

Should I use a consumer proposal or preserve my credit rating?

By Paul Murphy

20-year financial veteran Paul Murphy breaks down a common question from our clients: should you use things like consumer proposals bankruptcy or debt consolidation or preserve your credit score? I recently sat down with David Moffatt from 4 Pillars’ Halifax office and Ryan Brown from 4 Pillars’ Muskoka & Parry Sound offices on our 4 Pillars’ podcast Beating the Debt Game. … Continue reading Should I use a consumer proposal or preserve my credit rating?

Debt Denial: It’s Not Just a River in Egypt

By Elisa Fremeth

Debt Denial: It’s Not Just a River in Egypt   There’s an old joke about denial; it’s not just a river in Egypt.  When you’re living in a world of debt, denial is an ocean in your back yard. Nope! Not Happening! Not Me! Most people live in denial.  It helps us avoid the unpleasant … Continue reading Debt Denial: It’s Not Just a River in Egypt

Should I Consolidate My Debt?

By Paul Murphy

20-year financial veteran Paul Murphy tackles the tough questions about debt consolidation. From the impact on your credit rating to typical rates for consolidation loans, you’ll learn the pros and cons of using debt consolidation. Debt consolidation. It’s a simple concept—you get one big loan to wipe out lots of little debts—but a technique that … Continue reading Should I Consolidate My Debt?

How Many Credit Cards are Too Many?

By Benjy Houser

Although Canadians are carrying fewer credit cards, they’re carrying increasingly higher balances, according to a survey conducted by TransUnion. More alarming, consumers seem to be more focused on the points they are earning rather than the interest they are racking up.  Credit cards are an important way to build credit history, they can be useful … Continue reading How Many Credit Cards are Too Many?

Debt consolidation services: is this the right debt help for you?

By Christine Wagner

Canadian households are carrying more debt today than ever before. According to a Statistics Canada study beginning in the early 90s, the amount of household debt has risen consistently. In fact, by 2012, 71% of Canadian families were living with debt; mortgage and consumer debt including credit cards, lines of credit and other loans. If … Continue reading Debt consolidation services: is this the right debt help for you?

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