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Waking up from your Debt Nightmare

By Paul Murphy

Waking up from your Debt Nightmare

Seen any scary movies lately?  If you’re living with debt, you get a front row seat to terror every night.  As soon as you close your eyes your debt is there, haunting you.  Like many, you’re probably not a fan of the horror genre.  Why would you be, you’re living in your own horror movie.  With Debt getting top billing in your life there really is no escape.  And unlike the movies, this story keeps going long after the credits roll.  So, how do you wake up from this nightmare?  What do your instincts tell you… do you stay and face your debt or do you get out of there?  Running away does seem like a good idea, but like an unfriendly ghost, your debt always finds you.  BOO!

Fight or Flight

When you live with debt, terror lurks around every corner leaving you embarrassed, stressed, and constantly on edge.  Just using your credit card can cause you to break into a cold sweat.  And if it actually does go through it feels like you’ve won the lottery.  But of course your joy is short lived.  Other terrors include not being able to make all your payments each month.  Phone calls, texts, and emails from your creditors can also keep you up nights. You may be living in a scary movie, but it doesn’t feel like a very good one.  Maybe the sequel will be better.

Debt Help:  The Sequel

When you’re ready to re-write your personal horror story, you need a director that can bring your story to life and help you get the happy ending you long for.  There are a lot of descent directors out there but you need one who can take your story to new heights and leave your financial worries on the cutting room floor.  You need 4 Pillars Debt Consultants.

4 Pillars has been helping Canadians reduce debt since 2002.  In fact over 97% of their clients have stayed out of debt.   The 4 Pillars team works for YOU not your creditors.  We’re not fans of horror movies either, that’s why we want to create a debt settlement strategy that works for you; we’re pros when it comes to navigating financial terminology, negotiating with your creditors, and that’s just beginning.  You could say we’re your very own Debt Busters.

Who You Gonna Call?!

By analyzing your financial situation, we can put together a strategy that works best for you. The solution may be as simple consolidating all of your payments and / or creating a workable budget.  If you are afraid bankruptcy is your only option, it’s probably not.  If it’s a consumer proposal that will best eliminate your debt, the 4 Pillars Calgary team will be there to represent you every step of the way.

We’ll explore all of your options and once an appropriate plan is in place, we’ll work with you to rebuild your credit. The 4 Pillars team working on your debt you’ll be waking up from this nightmare feeling refreshed and renewed. We’ll work to reduce your debt by up to 80% and have it paid off within 5 years.   To learn more call Calgary your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist in Calgary.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Details at 4Pillars.ca

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