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Tag: Bankruptcy

Switching from Bankruptcy to Consumer Proposal in Canada

By Paul Murphy

Bankruptcy has serious consequences on an individual’s financial standing, which is why many Canadian debtors consider switching from bankruptcy to a consumer proposal instead. It is well known that a consumer proposal has less of an impact on your credit than bankruptcy, but is switching to a consumer proposal possible? In this article, we’ll explore … Continue reading Switching from Bankruptcy to Consumer Proposal in Canada

How 4 Pillars helped a local ad agency avoid bankruptcy

By Paul Murphy

This post is written by 4 Pillars’ managing partner and financial literacy expert Paul Murphy. Paul has 20+ years of experience in the banking and financial service industry.  Ryan, age 50, (name changed for privacy) ran a successful ad agency in a medium-sized Canadian city. Despite being a respected local business owner, his company began … Continue reading How 4 Pillars helped a local ad agency avoid bankruptcy

Debt and Bankruptcy in Canada: 4 Pillars’ 2018 Report

By Paul Murphy

This report was written by Paul Murphy, a 20-year financial veteran and managing partner at 4 Pillars.  In this report, you’ll find a data-backed picture of household debt and bankruptcy in Canada. Key questions answered in this report: What is the average household debt in Canada? What are the signs of a typical Canadian family facing … Continue reading Debt and Bankruptcy in Canada: 4 Pillars’ 2018 Report

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