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Tag: 4 Pillars

Canada’s Consumer Proposal Process: Start to Finish

By Paul Murphy

A question we often get asked when starting the consumer proposal process is what happens after filing a proposal. There’s a lot of things that will and can happen during the consumer proposal process, which is why we’ve decided to cover it all here today. In this article, we’ll take you through each step of … Continue reading Canada’s Consumer Proposal Process: Start to Finish

How 4 Pillars helped a local ad agency avoid bankruptcy

By Paul Murphy

This post is written by 4 Pillars’ managing partner and financial literacy expert Paul Murphy. Paul has 20+ years of experience in the banking and financial service industry.  Ryan, age 50, (name changed for privacy) ran a successful ad agency in a medium-sized Canadian city. Despite being a respected local business owner, his company began … Continue reading How 4 Pillars helped a local ad agency avoid bankruptcy

6 Questions to Help Evaluate Debt Consultants (and a Few 4 Pillars Reviews)

By Paul Murphy

Benjy from our 4 Pillars Victoria office posted a helpful article that shows how to evaluate debt consultants. You read that article which includes reviews for 4 Pillars here. If you live in Victoria, drop by Benjy’s office (pictured below). The address is 2311 Watkiss Way, #103, Victoria, BC, V9B 6J6.  (250) 882-5556 Here are the questions … Continue reading 6 Questions to Help Evaluate Debt Consultants (and a Few 4 Pillars Reviews)

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