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Shades for your Debt

By Paul Murphy

Shades for your Debt

Have you ever noticed that people who wear rose colored glasses can be a little cross-eyed? Nothing against optimistic people of the world. But what happens when the rose colored glasses come off? Their view of reality isn’t always as clear and peripheral as they think. If you’re living with a lot of debt but you’re sure everything will work out for the best, you may want to check the tint on your lenses.
Impaired Vision

When it comes to debt even someone with 20/20 vision may have trouble seeing the truth. But if you look closely behind the façade of “everything is fine” you see a different picture. You aren’t in control of your debt, it controls you. While you’re putting on a brave face your interest rates are climbing through the roof because maybe you’ve missed a payment or two. Maybe you’ve been subsidizing your income with cash advances. Maybe you’re getting hammered with fees, and when you do make your minimum payment it barely covers the interest on what you owe. So while you think all is roses and sunshine in your world your debt keeps growing.
Changing your Prescription

When your debt is in control of your life it makes itself known in ways you don’t want to admit. Sleepless nights and worry are just the beginning. The stress of living with debt weighs on you constantly, affecting your relationships, your work, your peace of mind and your security.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions has been helping Canadians reduce debt since 2004. In fact over 97% of their clients have stayed out of debt. As 4 Pillars Debt Specialists work for YOU not your creditors. You’ll find a team of people working on your behalf with compassion and understanding. They will create a debt settlement strategy that works for you; navigating financial terminology, creating a plan to deal with your creditors, and more.

Debt Help for a new Perspective
By exploring your best options the team at 4 Pillars Regina will help you with every aspect of your debt settlement. The solution may be as simple as consolidating all of your payments and / or creating a workable budget. They will explore your options and once an appropriate plan is in place, work with you to rebuild your credit. They’ll help you reduce your debt by up to 80% and have it paid off within 5 years.

Call today to book your appointment. Your initial consultation is free. With 4 Pillars Regina leading the way to debt relief, you’ll be seeing clearly in no time and more importantly, you’ll be able to focus on the future you’ve always wanted.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions. Details at 4Pillars.ca

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