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Articles - Page 99

What is debt restructuring?

By Gurinder Dhaliwal

With the current record levels of consumer debt in Canada there is much talk and discussion about debt restructuring. But what is really meant by this term? Before talking about debt restructuring we need to understand what type of debt it is first. Getting out of debt is not easy. What type of debts do … Continue reading What is debt restructuring?

Debt Consolidation Case Study for a North York, ON Resident

By Zach Brull

How Working in the Best Interests of the Debtor Produced a Debt Consolidation for the Ages In January 2014 I met with a gentleman who I immediately realized was extremely cheerful by nature. I don’t want to use his real name, so let’s call him Jerry. It’s a good thing Jerry was naturally cheerful as … Continue reading Debt Consolidation Case Study for a North York, ON Resident

4 PILLARS offers necessary debt consulting services

By Blair Greenwood

Debt is a continuously growing problem for households in Canada today, putting the economy at risk. To do our part, our debt counselling company, 4Pillars, seeks to end debt through a different approach to help those still struggling with it. Our services are specifically aimed at addressing the debtor’s needs in over the creditor’s unlike some … Continue reading 4 PILLARS offers necessary debt consulting services

What is Debt Restructuring?

By Scott Patton

This is a great question. The simple answer to this for most people, would be that debt restructuring is a new arrangement or reorganization of your debt terms. Your debt terms are basically what you agreed to when you first took on the debt. Things like the amount borrowed, the amount of interest that you … Continue reading What is Debt Restructuring?

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