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Articles - Page 96

Personal Debt: The house guest who won’t leave

By Navaiz & Hardip Chaudhry

Personal Debt: The house guest who won’t leave You’ve tried to be polite.  You’ve dropped subtle hints.  You’ve even short sheeted the bed in the guest room.  But still, you’re stuck with a guest who refuses to leave.  A once welcome friend or family member who now eats all your food, runs up your phone … Continue reading Personal Debt: The house guest who won’t leave

Why High Credit Card Debt should be Restructured Urgently

By Gurinder Dhaliwal

Why High Credit Card Debt should be Restructured Urgently Many Canadians struggle with credit card debt each year and often do not act quickly enough to restructure this debt and avoid financial disaster. Why is credit card debt so financially crippling? It`s all down to the interest and how it is calculated. Most people are … Continue reading Why High Credit Card Debt should be Restructured Urgently

Looking out for Number One or looking after your interests?

By Troy Tisserand

Looking out for Number One or looking after your interests?  We live in a cynical world.  There’s no such thing as a ‘free’ lunch, the flirty waitress is working for tips, and the friend who just praised you to the heavens is probably going to ask for a favor.  Though age and experience has left … Continue reading Looking out for Number One or looking after your interests?

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