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Articles - Page 95


By Geordie Montgomery

LET’S DISCUSS DEBT RESTRUCTURING You’ve stretched your credit cards to the absolute limit, you’ve borrowed money time and again to pay off bill after bill, and perhaps you’ve gone to the wall on a line of credit. In short your household debt is completely out of your control. Your money is in charge of you, … Continue reading LET’S DISCUSS DEBT RESTRUCTURING

Debt Restructuring Methods: Why Things Are Getting Better for Canadians in Debt

By Paul Murphy

    The debt system in Canada is broken. The industry knows it. But things are getting better for Canadians dealing with large amounts of debt. The insolvency industry may not have realized it yet, but is going through a shake-up and how consumers deal with debt is changing for the better. The current debt … Continue reading Debt Restructuring Methods: Why Things Are Getting Better for Canadians in Debt

This is the Advice I’d Give My Mother About Debt

By Paul Murphy

Shortly after completing their training one of our new offices asked me: “what does ‘clients for life’ really mean? Isn’t our entire service designed so that they don’t become repeat clients? That they get out of debt and never face further financial challenges again?” I thought this was a great question and if one of … Continue reading This is the Advice I’d Give My Mother About Debt

Debt Settlement: A Permanent Vacation from your Debt

By Jennifer Virani

Debt Settlement: A Permanent Vacation from your Debt All summer long you’ve listened to friends tell you about their fabulous vacations.  They’ve blogged about grand adventures, posted pictures of amazing escapades, and regaled you with humorous antidotes about that time they did that thing.  And when they get around to asking about your summer, you … Continue reading Debt Settlement: A Permanent Vacation from your Debt

Personal Debt: The house guest who won’t leave

By Navaiz & Hardip Chaudhry

Personal Debt: The house guest who won’t leave You’ve tried to be polite.  You’ve dropped subtle hints.  You’ve even short sheeted the bed in the guest room.  But still, you’re stuck with a guest who refuses to leave.  A once welcome friend or family member who now eats all your food, runs up your phone … Continue reading Personal Debt: The house guest who won’t leave

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