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Articles - Page 90

Bankruptcy Trustees: Know your friends

By Robert Osborne

Bankruptcy Trustees: Know your friends There’s an old saying that you don’t really know who your friends are until you need them. When you’re experiencing financial difficulties it’s easy to see who your real friends are… they’re the ones still taking your calls! Now these friends will want to help, offering sage advice on how … Continue reading Bankruptcy Trustees: Know your friends

Separating Debt Fact from Debt Fiction

By Terryl Allen

Separating Debt Fact from Debt Fiction There’s a lot of information flying around the internet. It can be a little overwhelming when you need to distinguish fact from fiction. FACT, no matter how many times you share that notice on your Facebook page, Mark Zuckerberg is NOT sending you a million dollars. Sorry. Neither is … Continue reading Separating Debt Fact from Debt Fiction

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