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Articles - Page 85

Debt Shaming: When the Voice in your Head Won’t Shut Up

By Gurinder Dhaliwal

Debt Shaming: When the Voice in your Head Won’t Shut Up You know when you get a song stuck in your head.  No matter what you do to distract yourself it’s still in there, singing away at the top of its lungs.  When you’re living with a lot of debt that catchy song is replaced … Continue reading Debt Shaming: When the Voice in your Head Won’t Shut Up

The Big Debt Workout: Getting your Finances in Shape

By Shawn Frank

The Big Debt Workout: Getting your Finances in Shape A New Year brings with it the promise of new beginnings, and probably a new gym membership.  And THIS TIME you’re going to use it!!  But the gym gets crowded in January.  The trainer keeps yelling at you.  And, besides it’s cold out.  Maybe next month.   … Continue reading The Big Debt Workout: Getting your Finances in Shape

Debt Night Mares: The Dream that Doesn’t End When You Wake

By Benjy Houser

Debt Night Mares:  The Dream that Doesn’t End When You Wake Everyone has experienced a stress dream of some sort.  You’ve dreamt you arrived late for a big test, you’ve shown up for work without your clothes on, you’re running from some unseen entity.  Stress dreams happen when your subconscious mind is trying to sort … Continue reading Debt Night Mares: The Dream that Doesn’t End When You Wake

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