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Articles - Page 79


By Scott Patton

We have all been through challenging times in our lives when we have to make hard financial decisions. From job loss, sickness, injury, to marital breakdown. These are all situations that can affect our ability to pay our debts. These situations obviously lead to an extreme amount of stress being felt by all of the … Continue reading INDEBTED CANADIANS MAKE POOR FINANCIAL CHOICES

Another 4 Pillars Kamloops Debt Success Story

By Bob Hauck

Steve and Paula thought they were doing OK financially.   Steve had steady and reasonably decent income, and Paula had a lower paying job, but between the two of them, they had enough to make ends meet and begin to get ahead.  They bought a modest house, in keeping with their income. Then the problems started.  … Continue reading Another 4 Pillars Kamloops Debt Success Story

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