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Articles - Page 73

Did having weekly chores as kid keep you from getting out of debt as an adult?

By Shawn Frank

Did having weekly chores as kid keep you from getting out of debt as an adult?  Every parent strives to teach their children about accountability, responsibility, and that actions have consequences.  The tasks begin simply enough; make your bed and bring in the mail every day and you’ll get an allowance.  Ah, the first taste … Continue reading Did having weekly chores as kid keep you from getting out of debt as an adult?

Top 6 Bankruptcy Terms Every Canadian Needs to Know

By Gurinder Dhaliwal

Consumer Proposals and Bankruptcy Deciphered; The Top 6 Phrases You Should Understand Words like “bankruptcy” and “creditor” have made their way into our daily speech, but we still tend to misuse them. Even if you’ve never sought professional advice to deal with your financial troubles, you should know exactly what these phrases mean. The following … Continue reading Top 6 Bankruptcy Terms Every Canadian Needs to Know

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