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Articles - Page 7

How 4 Pillars helped a local ad agency avoid bankruptcy

By Paul Murphy

This post is written by 4 Pillars’ managing partner and financial literacy expert Paul Murphy. Paul has 20+ years of experience in the banking and financial service industry.  Ryan, age 50, (name changed for privacy) ran a successful ad agency in a medium-sized Canadian city. Despite being a respected local business owner, his company began … Continue reading How 4 Pillars helped a local ad agency avoid bankruptcy

4 Pillars’ Paul Murphy Wrote a Book! Beating the Debt Game

By Paul Murphy

This post is written by 4 Pillars’ managing partner and financial literacy expert Paul Murphy. Paul has 20+ years of experience in the banking and financial service industry.  I’m happy to report that my book, Beating the Debt Game, is complete!  Thank you to all the readers that have emailed me over the years, sharing … Continue reading 4 Pillars’ Paul Murphy Wrote a Book! Beating the Debt Game

Debt Denial: It’s Not Just a River in Egypt

By Elisa Fremeth

Debt Denial: It’s Not Just a River in Egypt   There’s an old joke about denial; it’s not just a river in Egypt.  When you’re living in a world of debt, denial is an ocean in your back yard. Nope! Not Happening! Not Me! Most people live in denial.  It helps us avoid the unpleasant … Continue reading Debt Denial: It’s Not Just a River in Egypt

Break glass in case of emergency

By Paul Murphy

Your Survival plan – When your payments exceed your income. Let’s not beat around the bush, these are scary and stressful times. Remaining physically healthy is the priority — and thankfully, most of us seem to be achieving that.  However, very few of us can say our current or future financial situation is a healthy … Continue reading Break glass in case of emergency

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