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Articles - Page 58

School’s Out: What You’ve Learned from Debt

By Benjy Houser

School’s Out: What You’ve Learned from Debt Students all over the country are graduating, moving on to bright futures and unlimited possibilities with the confidence that they can accomplish anything they set their minds to.  Oh, to be that optimistic again!  Oh, to be 18 or 21 and venturing out on your own for the … Continue reading School’s Out: What You’ve Learned from Debt

The Top Ten Questions about Consumer Proposals

By Peter Temple

The Top Ten Questions about Consumer Proposals Searching for answers when you’re having financial difficulties is a grim task. You’ll hear scary words like “bankruptcy,” “unsecured debts,” and “asset liquidation”. Thankfully there are a lot of options available for those that find themselves mired uncomfortably in debt. A consumer proposal is an alternative to bankruptcy, … Continue reading The Top Ten Questions about Consumer Proposals

Breaking Up with Debt

By Benjy Houser

Breaking Up with Debt Some relationships were meant to last forever, others tend to run their course.  Some end on good terms, others not so much.  Sometimes you’re the one being dumped, sometimes you’re the one calling it quits.  Some relationships are so toxic that you don’t realize how bad they are until you’re finally … Continue reading Breaking Up with Debt

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