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4 Pillars Articles by Chris Grew

Debt Consolidation vs. Debt Settlement

By Chris Grew

Debt Consolidation vs. Debt Settlement I am often contacted by clients wanting to know the difference between Debt Consolidation and Debt Settlement/Debt Restructuring. In today’s column, we will explore the difference between the two: Debt Consolidation can often be an excellent way for a person, carrying too much unsecured debt, i.e., credit cards, lines of … Continue reading Debt Consolidation vs. Debt Settlement

What’s the Difference Between Being in Debt and Financial Crisis?

By Chris Grew

What’s the Difference Between Being in Debt and Financial Crisis?  Virtually every adult Canadian is in debt.  That is not necessarily a bad thing.  We have debt for mortgages, cars, student loans, etc.  We would not have our house without the mortgage, the car without the loan or the education without the student loan.  It … Continue reading What’s the Difference Between Being in Debt and Financial Crisis?

How does a Consumer Proposal or Bankruptcy affect Your credit?

By Chris Grew

Must your credit rating be protected at ALL costs? We live in a society of credit. Don’t agree, try renting a car, checking into a hotel or making an on-line purchase without a credit card. Banks almost force us to use credit because they know a large percent of people will not pay the account in … Continue reading How does a Consumer Proposal or Bankruptcy affect Your credit?

Is a Bankruptcy Trustee working for You?

By Chris Grew

When we think about filing bankruptcy, we often think that we will be in the hands of the court and protected from your creditors. In some ways this is true, but you will actually have to pay fees to the Bankruptcy Trustee and just because you are paying their fees, this does not mean they … Continue reading Is a Bankruptcy Trustee working for You?

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