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Articles - Page 15

Debt consolidation services: is this the right debt help for you?

By Christine Wagner

Canadian households are carrying more debt today than ever before. According to a Statistics Canada study beginning in the early 90s, the amount of household debt has risen consistently. In fact, by 2012, 71% of Canadian families were living with debt; mortgage and consumer debt including credit cards, lines of credit and other loans. If … Continue reading Debt consolidation services: is this the right debt help for you?

How to Repay your Ontario Student Assistance Program

By Frank Eichinger

How to Repay your Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) Congratulations graduate!!!  You’re finally finished with exams, study sessions, and all-nighters fueled by bad coffee. As you embark on this new phase of your life, where will the journey take you; an exciting new job? Time off to relax and travel? Perhaps you’re not sure of … Continue reading How to Repay your Ontario Student Assistance Program

Using Your Credit Cards Like Cash – Prevent Your Balances From Spiralling Out of Control

By Ryan Brown

Using Your Credit Cards Like Cash – Prevent Your Balances From Spiralling Out of Control It is easy to fall deeper into debt if you aren’t regularly monitoring your finances and spending. Credit cards are one of the most readily available and dangerous tools for unsuspecting consumers. In Canada, nearly half of all credit card … Continue reading Using Your Credit Cards Like Cash – Prevent Your Balances From Spiralling Out of Control

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