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Music for Life in the Key of Debt

By Terryl Allen

Music for Life in the Key of Debt

Have you ever had a song stuck in your head? Usually it’s some innocuous little ditty you picked up and now it is running on a loop; something upbeat, poppy, and totally annoying. And to make things worse, you’ll probably spend the rest of the day racking your brain trying to remember the name of that song.

The Debtors Blues
When you’re living with debt the song stuck in your head is something a little more ominous; Wagner’s Flight of the Valkyries or Mozart’s Requiem Mass for the Dead. Debt inspires music that is the opposite of joyful. And if it doesn’t trigger sounds of dread it certainly instigates songs of despair.
With debt playing on an endless loop in your head the side effects are numerous; sleepless nights, irritable days, mood swings, loss of appetite, nervousness, self-consciousness, withdrawal, and an irrational fear of phone calls from ‘unknown numbers’. Not exactly music to anybody’s ears.

Debt Help – a New Playlist
4 Pillars Barrie Debt Solutions has been helping Canadians restructure their debt since 2004. In fact over 97% of their clients have stayed out of debt making 4 Pillars an Industry leader. Founded by three professionals who were tired of watching friends lose businesses to debt, they did their homework, combined their financial expertise and started a company that would ensure no one would be controlled by debt again.

With consultants like Terryl Allen of 4 Pillars Barrie you get to create your own debt playlist full of music you love. Terryl understands the toll debt can take on your life. After your initial consultation, which is always free, she will create a debt settlement strategy that works for you; navigating financial terminology, finding your best options and helping you rebuild your credit. Imagine getting your debt reduced by up to 80% and having it paid off within five years!

Debt Settlement – Your New Favorite Song
With Terryl Allen of 4 Pillars Barrie as your financial DJ, she’ll introduce you to a great selection of old favorites as well as some new tunes you might like. Your best option for debt relief may be consolidation, budgeting, or another form of debt settlement. Terryl will help reduce your debt in a supportive and compassionate manner.

To learn more call Terryl Allen at 705 812 0578 and get ready to sing or dance your way to a debt free life.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions. Details at 4Pillars.ca

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