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Life after Debt: Rebuilding with 4 Pillars West Kootenays

By Robert Osborne

Life after Debt: Rebuilding with 4 Pillars West Kootenays

What does life after debt really look like?  Is it all rainbows and unicorns?  Is it the calm, stress free life you didn’t have when you’re struggling with debt?  Or is it something in between?   Actually, your life after debt can look like anything you want it to. With debt out of the way, you are free to create the life you want, on your terms.  Have you ever dreamt of owning your own home, starting a business, sending your kids to college, retiring with a healthy nest egg?  It is all possible when you get debt off your back.  When you’re ready to start planning your life after debt, you’re going to need some help; real debt help in the form of 4 Pillars Debt Solutions.

I’m Robert Osborne, your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist in the West Kootenays.  In Recent articles I’ve examined debt settlement and the importance of having an advocate like 4 Pillars working on your behalf.  We also talked about Licensed Insolvency Trustees and how one of their roles is represent the interests of your creditors.  Then I told you how a 4 Pillars Debt Specialist, like myself, can lower your debt by up to 80%, and help you pay it off with in 5 years, all while helping you rebuild your credit.  Fortunately you don’t have to wait until your debt is gone to start planning your new life; that starts the moment you call 4 Pillars Debt Solutions for real Debt Help.

Consumer Want to Change

Debt never makes itself known when things are going good in your life.  No, as long as you’re making your payments on time, it leaves you alone.  Occasionally it even raises your credit limit.  How thoughtful. No, debt waits until you are struggling to make payments to pounce.  At first you are penalized with late fees and higher interest rates, adding to your already growing debt.  Then the calls start coming, first your creditors, then the collection agencies.  By this point your life is a stress filled nightmare.  Your relationships are strained, your financial security is non-existent, and your job security is threatened.  But it doesn’t have to be this way.  You can make a change.  You can settle your debt and start focusing on getting the life you want.  When you’re ready, 4 Pillars Debt Solutions is there.


A Holistic Approach to Life after Debt

At 4 Pillars Debt Solutions we take a holistic view of your debt.  We step back and take in the whole picture so we can best help you deal with the past, clean up the present, and prepare you for life after debt.

Not all debt settlement strategies are created equal.  What has worked for your neighbor may not be the right solution for you.  At 4 Pillars take a look at your specific situation and customize a strategy to best deal with your debt. Over the years we’ve developed programs to help reduce, settle, and eliminate your debt.   We create a plan to deal with your creditors to ensure you’re getting the best deal.  We then give you the tools to rebuild your credit and the confidence to start planning for your future. And we do it all without judgement or blame.

Despite what you’ve been lead to believe, bankruptcy may not be the best solution to resolving your debt. The answer may be learning to budget realistically and manage your money.  Or, the solution could be debt consolidation wherein we negotiate all of your debt into one lower payment.  That said, if Bankruptcy or a Consumer Proposal turn out to be your best options, 4 Pillars Debt Solutions will be by your side, representing you every step of the way.

Client Satisfaction equals a Job Well Done  

4 Pillars Kootenays Debt Solutions has over 60 offices from Vancouver Island to St. John’s Newfoundland.  As a 4 Pillars Debt Specialist nothing brings me a greater sense of joy then bringing peace of mind and hope back to a client who has been struggling with debt.  Our journey starts when you walk into my office, and it doesn’t stop until you are enjoying your debt free life.

I recently told you about the Debt Specialist in Barrie who helped a young family avoid bankruptcy while reducing their debt from $120,000 to $19,000.  A debt they will have paid off in less than five years. Every one of our offices can tell you a similar story about clients they’ve pulled from debt, clients who are now debt free and first time homeowners; clients who are getting ready to retire with confidence; clients who have started small business; and clients who are travelling the world. In other words, clients who have taken back their lives.

Fact, over 97 percent of 4 Pillars’ clients have successfully completed their debt restructuring plans; making us an industry leader in Canada. Don’t take my word for it, click the link below to read what our clients are saying!

Read real stories and testimonials from thousands of 4 Pillars clients


When you’re ready to move forward and celebrate your life after debt, I’ll be there to help.  If you’re in the West Kootenays and you’d like to explore your debt settlement options or just discuss your current situation, call me, Robert Osborne at 4 Pillars in the West Kootenays, (250) 365-8070.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Visit us at 4Pillars.ca 


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