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Life after Debt: Rebuilding with 4 Pillars North Vancouver

By Jennifer Virani

Life after Debt: Rebuilding with 4 Pillars North Vancouver

Most everyone I talk to has a dream for their future.  For some it’s retiring on a tropical beach; for others it’s traveling the world seeking new and inspiring views.  Many dream of being their own boss and creating something of their very own.  Most of these statements are usually followed by a wistful ‘someday!’  For anyone struggling with debt their dreams for the future feel more like wishful thinking because debt is blocking their view.  When they look into the future they don’t see hope, they see debt, embarrassment, and fear.  When you’re struggling with a world of debt, ‘someday’ is a foreign concept; and any future you dare to imagine for yourself is mired with regret. But what if you could eliminate your debt and dream of your very own ‘someday!’  Or better yet, what if you settled your debt and started working on that ‘someday’… today!

I’m Jennifer Virani, your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist in North Vancouver. In our most recent articles we talked about debt settlement, the advantages of working with an advocate like 4 Pillars instead of trying to negotiate with your creditors on your own. We also talked about Licensed Insolvency Trustees and their role.  I then showed you some of the ways a 4 Pillars Debt Specialist like myself can help lower your debt by up to 80%, and help you pay it off with in 5 years, all while helping you rebuild your credit and paving the way to where ever you want your future to be.

The good news is you don’t have to wait until you are debt free to start planning your future.  Those plans start taking root the day you contact 4 Pillars North Vancouver Debt Solutions for real Debt Help.

Consumer Want to Change

Debt is a lot like the common cold; nobody is immune.  As soon as your defenses are down, it strikes and all the Vitamin C and decongestant in the world isn’t go to help you feel better.  Debt is nothing to sneeze at and it doesn’t care how you’re feeling.  Debt is only interested in one thing… collecting its’ money, with interest, regardless of the cost to you, your family, your physical health or mental well-being.

There may not be cure for the common cold, but you can relieve your symptoms until its run its course.  In retrospect, getting rid of your debt is a little easier.  You don’t need chicken soup and sleep, you just need 4 Pillars Debt Solutions.

A Holistic Approach to Life after Debt

You are not your mistakes so you shouldn’t let your debt define who you are or who you want to be.  At 4 Pillars Debt Solutions we take a holistic view of your debt, a view that encompasses the whole picture.  By doing this we are able to help you deal with the past, clean up the present, and prepare you for your debt free future.

No two debts are created equal.  So what works for your neighbor may not be the debt settlement strategy that will work for you.  Over the years 4 Pillars has developed programs to help reduce, settle, and eliminate your debt.   We do this by looking out for your best interests while we create a plan to deal with your debt.  We create Credit Rebuilding programs to repair and rebuild your credit faster and more efficiently than anything you could accomplish on your own.  We educate our clients, giving them the support and the confidence to know how to achieve their dreams.  And we do it all without judgement or blame.

You have options.  And despite what you may have been lead to believe, bankruptcy may not be your only solution.  It may be learning to create and live by a realistic budget.  It may be debt consolidation wherein we negotiate all of your debt into one lower payment.  However, if it turns out that Bankruptcy or a Consumer Proposal are your only options, we will be by your side, representing your best interests every step of the way.

Client Satisfaction equals a Job Well Done  

4 Pillars North Vancouver Debt Solutions has over 60 offices from Vancouver Island to St. John’s Newfoundland.  And as a 4 Pillars Debt Specialist I take great pride in what I do. Nothing brings me greater joy then knowing I’ve helped bring hope, peace of mind, and a brighter future to a client who has been struggling under the weight of their debt.

In our first installment I shared the story of the Debt Specialist in Barrie who helped a young family avoid bankruptcy while reducing their debt from $120,000 to $19,000.  A debt they will have paid off in less than five years. Every one of our offices can tell you a similar story about clients they’ve pulled from debt, clients who are now debt free and first time homeowners; clients who are getting ready to retire with confidence; clients who have started small business; clients who are getting ready to send their kids off to University; and clients who have rediscovered the joy of living.

As a 4 Pillars Debt Specialist I’m very proud of my clients and the progress they are making.  Fun fact, over 97 percent of 4 Pillars’ clients have successfully completed their debt restructuring plans; making us an industry leader in Canada. Don’t take my word for it, click the link below and see what our clients have to say.

Read real stories and testimonials from thousands of 4 Pillars clients


So what do you want your debt free future to look like?  You don’t need to have it all figured out today.  If you’re in North Vancouver and you’d like to explore your debt settlement options or discuss your situation, just give me a call, Jennifer Virani of 4 Pillars North Vancouver (604) 612-9211.  Without debt holding you back, ‘someday’ could soon become your ‘TOMORROW’.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Visit us at 4Pillars.ca 

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