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Life after Debt: Rebuilding with 4 Pillars Barrie

By Terryl Allen

Life after Debt: Rebuilding with 4 Pillars Barrie

If you shuffle a deck of tarot cards will it change your future for the better?  Well that depends on who’s dealing the cards.  When your debt has the upper hand, your outlook can look pretty bleak. However, take control of the deck, make sure it’s not stacked against you and your future could come out looking pretty good!  So how do you wrestle control away from debt? You deal yourself a winning hand and a debt free future with the help of 4 Pillars Debt Solutions.

I’m Terryl Allen, your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist in Barrie.  When your debt has dealt you a rotten hand, you can’t just fold.  Don’t accept it as your future.  Make a change for the better.  In our last two articles we talked about settling your debt. We discussed the working directly with a bankruptcy trustee as opposed to hiring an advocate to look out for your best interests.  Then we took a closer look at the programs a 4 Pillars Debt Specialist uses to help you get out of debt, and stay out of debt.

Consumers Want to Change

If there is one thing I’ve learned about debt, it is this: Debt isn’t picky.  Everyone is susceptible to its charms and the negative impact it can bring to your life.   Think of debt as a con artist.  It seeks you out and exploits your vulnerabilities.  You don’t even realize what it is costing you, until it is too late.  Debt is cruel, the harder you try to get out the deeper it pulls you in.  And before you know it, you’re consumed by your debt, unable to see beyond your bills, and any dreams you had for the future are a distant memory.

Like any good con artist, debt needs to be in control of the game.  So what happens when you turn the tables on your debt?  You win.  So get ready to move some furniture because with one phone call to 4 Pillars you can put your debt out on the curb, once and for all.

A Holistic Approach to Life after Debt

Never let your debt define you.  When it comes to dealing with your debt 4 Pillars Debt Solutions takes a more holistic approach.  We step back and take in the whole picture, the BIG PICTURE.  Together we help you deal with the past, clean up the present, and prepare you for your future; your debt free future.

Your debt is unique to you and your personal situation; something 4 Pillars takes into account when devising your Debt Settlement strategy.  Since 2002 4 Pillars has been developing programs to help reduce, settle, and eliminate your debt.  In many cases we’re able to help cut your debt by up to 80%.  At 4 Pillars we represent you, looking out for your best interests as we create a plan to deal with your creditors.  We put Credit Rebuilding programs in place that will best help you repair and rebuild your credit faster and with more efficiency than trying to do this on your own.  We educate you, presenting the tools needed to avoid re-entering debt.  We give you the support and the confidence to move beyond your debt.  And we do it all without judgement or blame.

It’s all about options.  From your first meeting onward your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist is listening, gathering information, and analyzing your situation so as to create the best strategy to deal with your debt. Your Debt settlement can take many forms like learning to create a realistic budget.  If Debt Consolidation is your best option we’ll create a plan to negotiate your debt into one lower payment.  If Bankruptcy or a Consumer Proposal is your best option, we will be by your side, representing your best interests every step of the way.

Client Satisfaction equals a Job Well Done  

4 Pillars Barrie Debt Solutions has over 60 offices from Vancouver Island to St. John’s Newfoundland.  And there is not a 4 Pillars Debt Specialist out there who doesn’t feel proud when a client says THANK YOU!  We know the negative role debt has played in your life and anytime we can bring peace of mind and hope for a brighter future, then we know we’ve done our job.

In our first installment I told you about the young family I’d helped to avoid bankruptcy while reducing their debt from $120,000 to $19,000.  A debt they will have paid off in less than five years. Every one of our offices across Canada can tell you a similar story about clients they’ve pulled from debt, clients who are now debt free and first time homeowners; clients who are getting ready to retire with confidence; clients who have started a small business; clients who are getting ready to send their kids off to University; and clients who have rediscovered the joy of living.

At 4 Pillars we’re very proud of our clients and thrilled to be a part of their road to a brighter future.  Not to brag but we seem to be doing something right because over 97 percent of our clients have successfully completed their debt restructuring plans; making 4 Pillars an industry leader in Canada. To find out what our clients really think of us, click the link below.

Read real stories and testimonials from thousands of 4 Pillars clients


Don’t leave your future to a deck of tarot cards. When you’re ready to stack the deck in your favor and build a solid future for yourself and your family, I’ll be there to help every step of the way.  If you’re in the Barrie area and would like to explore your debt settlement options or discuss your own situation call me Terryl Allen of 4 Pillars Barrie. Your first consultation is free. (705) 812-0578

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Visit us at 4Pillars.ca

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