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How does 4 Pillars Barrie Set Me Up for Life?

By Terryl Allen

How does 4 Pillars Barrie Set Me Up for Life?

(An alternative approach to Trustees and Credit Counsellors.)

Imagine being set for life.  It’s not just the name of a lottery, it’s the freedom to follow your passions.  The removal of fear and doubt imposed on you by years of living with debt.  I’m Terryl Allen, your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist in Barrie, and when you’re ready to throw off the yoke of debt, I’ll be here to help you settle your debt, recover from its impact on your life, and plan for the future you really want.

During our last installment we discussed the difference between having a Licensed Insolvency Trustee deal with your debt and hiring a 4 Pillars Debt Specialist.  In a nutshell, the trustee has a duty to your creditors whereas 4 Pillars works for YOU.  So how do we set you up for life? It’s simple.  We at 4 Pillars make you our number one priority.   If you are considering bankruptcy as a means of getting out of debt you need the facts.  Bankruptcy is not the clean slate many people assume.  There can be drastic repercussions to your financial and personal well-being.  And more importantly, Bankruptcy may not be your only option.  Though you are legally required to file through a Licensed Insolvency Trustee, there is nothing stopping you from having an advocate like 4 Pillars working on your behalf, representing your best interests in negotiations, and navigating you through your debt settlement.

Educating Clients

As a 4 Pillars Debt Specialist, one of the many tools I give my clients is knowledge; because the more you understand about your situation, the easier it is to avoid relapsing back into debt. At 4 Pillars we educate our clients every step of the way. We give them skills to stay out of debt and grow financially. And we do this with a healthy dose of compassion.  I teach my clients how to create a realistic budget and then we start paving the way to ensure they get the debt free future they want.  Here’s a fun fact, over 97% of 4 Pillars clients have successfully completed their debt restructuring plans; making 4 Pillars an industry leader in Canada.

However, it isn’t just our clients who benefit from our expertise.  Since 2005, 4 Pillars Debt Solutions has been an integral part of developing Financial Literacy in Canada.  The initiative began in Edmonton with the creation of a new platform of financial literacy tools; tools designed to help both social workers and non-profit organizations assist and educate low income families. We firmly believe that consumers who are more confident about money, better able to build their savings, will create a better future for themselves and their families.  Because ending the cycle of debt starts by educating consumers, 4 Pillars promises to continue working to create and promote Financial Literacy programs for all Canadians.

The Clients for Life Philosophy  

If someone is suing you, you don’t represent yourself in court.  You hire a lawyer to speak on your behalf, strategize your approach, present the facts, and navigate you through the legal system.  If it’s your creditors who are coming after you, you need a different kind of representation.  A caring, judgement free, support system to help bring your debt to an end while preparing you for life after debt.  In other words, someone who will set you up for life.

Unlike some debt companies who take your money, set up your debt strategy, then disappear, 4 Pillars remains by your side. Whether your debt settlement strategy is Consolidation or a Consumer Proposal, 4 Pillars is there to represent your best interests. But we don’t stop there.  While you are paying off your debt, we are helping you rebuild your credit and build your savings.  So, by the time you are debt free, usually within 5 years, you will be well on your way to getting the future you want for yourself and your family.  After all you’re not just a client, you’re a CLIENT FOR LIFE; as such you are welcome to seek out advice and assistance whenever you need it.  Remember, as your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist, I’m just a phone call away.

Specialized Tools Exclusive to 4 Pillars

4 Pillars doesn’t just take care of your immediate needs, we step back and take a look at the bigger picture; life after debt.  For over 15 years 4 Pillars Debt Solutions has been creating Debt Restructuring Programs that take into account the many unique aspects of your financial situation.  As a result we are able to help their clients recover and rebuild faster than any other program out there.

BUDGETING: It sounds simple yet it’s surprising how many people don’t have a realistic budget.  4 Pillars teaches you how to live within your means and track spending.  In fact, something as simple as a budget is one of the most important tools for creating stability within the family.

PROPOSAL PROTECTION: This program is exclusive to 4 Pillars.  It is designed to protect the payments made on a Consumer Proposal; should the client pass away or become sick, or get hurt due to an accident, the payments are made on the Consumer Proposal, helping avoid bankruptcy or being put back in the same financial position they worked so hard to get out off.

PHOENIX LOAN:  When you are in a Consumer Proposal your payments do not work toward improving your credit score.   The Phoenix Loan is also exclusive to 4 Pillars. It allows clients to qualify for a loan to pay out their consumer proposal giving an immediate jump in the credit score of up to 70 points and removes the consumer proposal up to 5 years sooner than making regular payments.  The Phoenix Loan is an interest bearing loan that reports on your credit score to help speed up the credit rebuilding process.

CAR LOANS:  Exclusive to 4 Pillars this program allows each client to qualify for a car loan at a significantly lower rate than they would otherwise qualify for given their current financial situation.  This program ensures the client can get an updated vehicle in good condition with a solid maintenance record. This program also let clients avoid dealerships who would take advantage of their situation, huge payments, negative equity and high interest rates.  4 Pillars wants to get you in a safe new vehicle without being taken for a ride.

CREDIT CARDS: 4 Pillars has special relationships with credit card companies who are willing to approve an unsecured credit card based on how well the client is educated in financial literacy as well as 4 Pillars’ reputation for success.  Remember, 97% of 4 Pillars clients have successfully completed their debt restructuring plans.

4 Pillars is able to offer these and many other programs to their clients because of the strong relationships they’ve built with like-minded financial planning companies, one of whom has the motto No Family Left Behind… 4 Pillars agrees.

The Promise Land of Real Opportunity

Being set up for life holds a different meaning for each client.  For some it’s being able to buy their first home.  For others it’s the freedom to travel.  Whatever it set up for life means to you, when 4 Pillars Debt Solutions gets you through your debt settlement, you will be that much closer to making it happen.


As a 4 Pillars Barrie Debt Specialist, I’m very proud of the work I do.  I know the pressure my clients are living under because of their debt. And I understand why it has left them feeling hopeless.  So, when I can reduce their debt by up to 80%, see them pay that debt off, usually within 5 years, and then help them achieve their financial goals, that’s a good day!

Hi Terryl, I wanted to give you an update on my situation since my proposal. I have two credit cards which are both at a zero balance; I have a comfortable amount of money in my chequing account and $2000.00 in my saving account. Your budgeting counselling has been invaluable to me and I have been able to increase my credit score to the point of being approved for a car loan. I am very financially happy thanks to you. Thanks so much Terryl.  Leanne – Barrie

It has been an eventful couple of months with car repairs and lower than normal commission but NOT particularly stressful because we had the funds to cover everything. I still have $3500.00 in my emergency fund after all the unexpected expenses. We cannot believe how different we are living with a manageable monthly payment. We now look at our budget each month and it is so nice to have money left over. We are taking the steps you recommended in rebuilding our credit score, we love being able to pay off our credit cards each month. We are so thankful we found you, reputable, honest and helpful. We are on the road to recovery and financial freedom. Thanks again – Jennifer and Chris – Barrie

Thank you for being such a special person to me when I needed help through the most stressful time of my life. You have given me back my health and most of all a much happier outlook on life.  Diana – Barrie

My husband and I struggled with our debt for many years, tried every way to make things work but always ended up lost. After meeting with Terryl, she took the time to explain our options and never pressured us into anything. We would like to thank Terryl for her guidance, assistance, and kindness. We are now on our way to building a better financial future. D and N, Barrie, Ontario

We would just like to thank Terryl Allen for all her help. She answered all of our questions from the start. Terryl was very professional and helped us each step of the way. While we were both nervous, Terryl was very encouraging and helped to guide us in the right direction. Terryl always found the time for us even when she was not in her office. We would highly recommend Terryl as she is a great asset to those who put their trust in her. Leo & Marian Barrie

Terryl, thank you so much for all the hard work you have done for us. It’s hard to show how much we appreciate it. Thanks Again! K & W Barrie

Next month we’ll take a more in depth look in to your debt free future.  In the meantime if you want to explore your debt settlement options or discuss your own situation, call me today.  I’m Terryl Allen of 4 Pillars Barrie and your initial consultation is free. (705) 812-0578

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Visit us at 4Pillars.ca

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