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Glass Half Full or Glass Half Empty: A Debt Perspective

By Terryl Allen

Glass Half Full or Glass Half Empty: A Debt Perspective

There are three types of people. Optimists see the world as a glass a half full.  Pessimists view the world as a glass half empty.  People carrying a lot of personal debt just see their glass as lying shattered on the floor, that is to say, hopeless.

Drinking out of Plastic

Perhaps some people shouldn’t drink out of glass, just plastic.  Of course it’s the plastic that started all of this. With great credit comes great responsibility and when the credit card companies are promising you the world it’s hard to say no.  After all, you’re a responsible adult.  In the beginning you pay your cards off every month. But some months are harder to manage than others so your payments get a little lower until you’re just making the bare minimum.  Every cent is covering the interest, not touching the principal.  So your debt starts to grow and with it, the stranglehold on your life.  No wonder it’s easy to lose hope.  And here’s the thing about some plastics, experts are now saying that prolonged exposure can make you sick.

Is your debt making you sick?  Let’s look at your symptoms; Sleepless nights, irritable days, Mood Swings, Loss of Appetite, Nervousness, Self-Consciousness,  Withdrawal, and an irrational fear of phone calls from ‘unknown numbers’.  Before you know it your glass is lying shattered on the floor and you can’t find a broom to sweep up the mess.

Debt Help – Refilling that Glass.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions has been helping Canadians deal with debt since 2004.  In fact over 97% of their clients have stayed out of debt.  With consultants like Terryl Allen of 4 Pillars Barrie you’ll be filling your glass to the top in no time.  Terryl understands the toll debt can take on your life.  After your initial consultation, which is always free, she will create a debt settlement strategy that works for you; navigating financial terminology, finding your best options and helping you rebuild your credit.  Imagine getting your debt reduced by up to 80% and having it paid off within five years!

Pour Yourself a Tall Glass of Debt Settlement

Terryl Allen of 4 Pillars Barrie  can make that happen.  Your best option for debt relief may be consolidation, budgeting, or another form of debt settlement.  Terryl will help reduce your debt in a supportive and compassionate manner.

To learn more call Terryl Allen at 705 812 0578.  Then raise a glass to hope and prosperity (and no more plastic).  Cheers!

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Details at 4Pillars.ca

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