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Getting debt help to settle/consolidate your debt in Winnipeg

By Darrell Pauls

Getting debt help to settle/consolidate your debt in Winnipeg
Today, more than ever before Canadians are finding themselves trapped under a mountain of debt and in need of debt help. It is so easy to get caught up in the cycle of spending a lot on credit and only paying off a little, then spending a lot more and paying only a little more off. Credit card companies offer a large amount of credit, but that comes with a hefty interest rate that makes it difficult to pay off the balance. Debt settlement and consolidating debts are options that more and more people are using to avoid bankruptcy. If debt is a problem for you, it is important to deal with it as soon as you can to avoid going further into debt making it even more difficult to get out.
I think that most of us have the best of intentions to pay off our credit cards completely within the grace period given, but then expenses come up or suddenly the washing machine kicks the bucket or the vehicle needs new tires and we seem to spiral out of control. There are also unexpected hard times that come our way such as a job loss, a business failure or even the death of a spouse. Things happen and life happens and sometimes things just don’t turn out the way we plan. Regardless of why you are in trouble with your finances, sometimes you just need some debt help from someone who understands.
At 4 Pillars Winnipeg we understand that sometimes your debt isn’t your fault. Even if it is your fault for spending too much or not being responsible with your finances, we applaud you for trying to make it right and seeking debt help while you are still able. Finances can be a challenge to maneuver and if you have not previously been taught how to manage your money effectively or use a credit card responsibly, you can easily get yourself into trouble.
Sometimes people are afraid of getting debt help. They may not even want to know how far they have gone or maybe they are embarrassed to tell anyone how bad it actually is. To those people I would like to tell you to not be afraid to seek help with your debt. There are options available to help you settle your debts if you have too much to handle and can’t seem to make it work. Debt settlement  in Winnipeg isn’t as scary as it may seem. We at 4 Pillars walk our clients through the entire process from start to finish including an aftercare program that teaches how to budget and manage finances properly.
If you are struggling to make your payments and are in need of some debt help, give 4 Pillars Winnipeg a call at (204) 201-2100. We offer a complimentary one hour consultation where we will sit down with you either on the phone or in our office and explain to you more about what debt settlement and debt consolidation are and how each of them could be a help to you.

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