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Does your debt make you feel like you’re trapped in quicksand?

By Chris Grew

Does your debt make you feel like you’re trapped in quicksand?

Does being in debt feel like being stuck in quicksand… pulling you down further and further?

Quicksand is basically just ordinary sand that has been so saturated with water that the friction between sand particles is reduced. The resulting sand is a mushy mixture of sand and water that can no longer support any weight and can trap you.

Debt can feel like it works the same way. Once you are in, the more you struggle against it, the further you seem to sink.

At 4 pillars Victoria we are your lifeline and we know how and what you need to do to get out of your debt quicksand.

Accept that your debt is a problem. For many people, debt is something that creeps up on them, building slowly over time. It can be hard to accept that it is a problem that you need help with. Your debt may have grown from being small and manageable into something that now feels like it’s totally out of your control. Taking action has the wonderful side effect of giving a feeling of achievement, and you will see that debt is a problem that you can overcome.

Taking small steps will help to restore your confidence.

As your body is less dense than quicksand, you can’t fully sink unless you panic and thrash around.

Take a deep breath. Don’t give up, don’t panic, just breath. When your debt quicksand is threatening to pull you under there is someone who will answer your call for help and can get you safely out. 4 Pillars Victoria Debt Solutions.  4 Pillars has been helping Canadians climb out from debt quicksand since 2004. Over 97% of their clients successfully complete the program, making 4 Pillars one of the industry leaders.

Take time to relax. Stress, anxiety, and even depression are all very common side effects of your debt.

Sleep. As you are dealing with debt it’s important to remember to get a good night’s sleep.

Eat healthy foods. A balanced diet will help your mind and body function at more effective levels.

Exercise. Run around the neighborhood, hop on a bike – exercise doesn’t have to cost anything.

Keep it all in perspective. Your debt is just a problem, it can be dealt with.

If you need help getting out of your debt quicksand call Chris Grew at 4 Pillars consulting in Victoria.  I only work for YOU and I only represent YOU. I do not represent your creditors. I specialize in helping people create a plan to settle their debt and often getting that debt reduced up to 85%. That means that you pay back a fraction of what you owe through one small monthly payment with 0% interest that can be paid over 5 years. My job is helping YOU reduce your debt.

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