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By Navaiz & Hardip Chaudhry


In case you hadn’t noticed the lower mainland is a ridiculously expensive place to live. If you’ve managed to find ‘affordable’ housing, something under $1500 a month, it probably comes with a roommate! And with a roommate comes the classic Roommate Horror Stories. Eating your Food and ‘borrowing’ your clothes are child’s play compared to some of the stories out there. Sure there’s the classic roommate who never cleans up after themselves. The Roommate who invites the whole bar back to your place, usually on a work night. The roommate who hangs out on the couch all night playing video games, and of course the ‘always just a couple bucks short on the rent’ roommate.

Some of these roommates you put up with out of necessity, you can’t afford the rent on your own. Some you put up with in the name of friendship, or family. But there’s one roommate who keeps you up nights and makes your days a living hell. And no matter how hard you try, you just can’t evict that guy named DEBT.

No Pets, Non-Smokers Only

No one willingly invites debt into their home. I’ll bet when you first talked about sharing the rent Debt seemed like a pretty chill guy, responsible but fun; easy to get along with and neat…for the first couple of month. But here’s the thing about living with debt, it takes up A LOT OF SPACE. Before you know it debt is keeping you up nights, driving all your friends away, and when you open up your fridge, its obvious debt got there first. In order to keep up with debt you start coming up short on your other bills, utilities, cable and telephone. And before you know it, Debt is the reason you’re having trouble making the rent.

Debt Help – Someone’s Getting Evicted

4 Pillars Debt Solutions has been helping Canadians get out of debt since 2004. In fact over 97% of their clients have stayed out of debt; making them an industry leader in Canada. 4 Pillars was founded by three professionals who were tired of watching friends lose their businesses to debt. They did their homework, combined their financial expertise and started a company that would ensure no one would be controlled by their debt again.

Your 4 Pillars Vancouver debt specialists are Hardip and Navaiz Chaudhry. They know how to pack up your debt and move it out of your life once and for all. In fact you could have your debt reduced by 80% and find yourself debt free in as little as 5 years! Hardip and Navaiz Chaudhry will create a debt settlement strategy that works for you; navigating financial terminology, making a plan to deal with your creditors, and helping you rebuild your credit.

No Vacancy

Call Hardip or Navaiz at 4 Pillars Vancouver at 604-587- 5577 and get used to the freedom of living alone, or at least without some leech taking over your couch. But if that’s what you’re into I know a guy who’s looking for place.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions. Details at 4Pillars.ca

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