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Debt Shaming: When the Voice in your Head Won’t Shut Up

By Gurinder Dhaliwal

Debt Shaming: When the Voice in your Head Won’t Shut Up

You know when you get a song stuck in your head.  No matter what you do to distract yourself it’s still in there, singing away at the top of its lungs.  When you’re living with a lot of debt that catchy song is replaced by an annoying voice.  A hyper critical, judgemental, and angry voice. One that sounds a lot like your own.

Preaching To the Choir

That voice is the king of “I told you so!”  It’s constantly shaming you, embarrassing you, reminding you that your debt is out of control and it’s all your fault.  Like you didn’t already feel bad enough.  You’ve struggled with debt for most of your adult life and you were shocked to realize how quick it could spread to every part of your life.  Your debt is with you when you’re out with friends, standing in line at the bank, buying groceries, and working at your computer.  It’s even crawling into bed with you.  In fact your debt and that nagging voice in your head have a nightly reservation to remind you of your mistakes and failures.  Because that’s helpful.

Turning Off the Voices

Fortunately you’re not alone.  I bet the voice in your head didn’t tell you that. When you’re ready to silence your debt, real debt help is just a phone call away.  4 Pillars Debt Solutions has been helping Canadians reduce their debt for over 10 years.  In fact over 97% of their clients have stayed out of debt.

The Sweet Sound of Debt Relief

In Richmond/ Delta your Debt Specialist in Richmond, BC.  If debt consolidation is right for you, Gurinder will structure a plan to consolidate all of your payments into a lower, more manageable payment.  Whatever Debt Settlement strategy is best for your situation, Gurinder and his team at 4 Pillars Richmond/Delta, BC will help reduce your debt by up to 80%.  They’ll navigate the financial terminology, ensure the creditor calls stop and rebuild your credit.  Call Gurinder Dhaliwal at 604-231-5841, silence that voice in your head, and make room for those catchy tunes that like to get stuck in there.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Details at 4Pillars.ca

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