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Debt Relief: Is it Attainable?

By Shawn Frank

Debt Relief: Is it Attainable?

 Is debt relief really attainable?  In a word, YES!  It’s finding the right road to debt relief that can be tricky.  Take one wrong turn or just one ill-advised detour, and you could find yourself right back where you started, or worse, deeper in debt and at risk of losing everything.  So, if you’re in need of debt relief, where can you turn?

The Road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions

Your first attempt at debt relief is usually a do-it yourself project.  You tighten your belt, make larger payments, and still your debt overwhelms you.  You’re paying so much in interest, late charges, and other ridiculous fees that you’re sure you’ve put some bank president’s kid through college by now.  Actually, you probably have.  The problem in dealing with your debt alone is that you don’t have all the tools and information needed to deal with your creditors. So you get discouraged, you lose hope, and you start to wonder if you will ever see an end to debt.  And no, YOU ARE NOT going to win the lottery, but dare to dream!

Now that you know that debt relief isn’t a solo project you start looking for help.  Keep in mind, this is a dangerous time for you. You’re desperate and vulnerable to so called debt relief agencies who DO NOT have your best interest at heart.  They may not disclose this to you directly but many of these people are in fact working for your creditors and it is their job to get as much of the creditors money back as they can.  Some of them aren’t even Canadian companies and the advice they offer will leave you worse off financially then when you started.  So you’re probably asking yourself, where’s the relief?

Debt Help: It’s closer than you think

4 Pillars Debt Solutions has been helping Canadians reduce their debt since 2002. In fact over 97% of their clients have successfully completed their debt restructuring plans; making 4 Pillars an industry leader in Canada. When you meet with a 4 Pillars Debt Specialist you get the support and professional expertise you need to deal with your debt.

4 Pillars was founded by three professionals who were tired of watching friends lose their businesses to debt.  They did their homework, combined their financial expertise and started a company that would ensure no one would be controlled by their debt again

In Ottawa your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist is Shawn Frank .  He works for you, not your creditors.  His priority is helping YOU reduce your debt.  And he does it without judgement or blame.  You are given the respect and compassion you deserve as he educates you as to your best options.

They will help you reduce your debt by up to 80%. In fact you could be debt free in as little as 5 years!  After your initial consultation, which is free, they will create a strategy for debt settlement that works for you. He’ll help you navigate financial terminology, he’ll create a plan to deal with your creditors, he’ll work with you to set up a realistic budget and then he’ll help you rebuild your credit.

Your solution may be as simple as debt consolidation.  Imagine having all of your debt reduced to one low payment.  For more information call Shawn Frank at 4 Pillars Ottawa, (613) 515-0161.  When you have Shawn Frank and 4 Pillars Debt Solutions on your team Debt Relief is not only attainable it’s your road to a much better life!  Go ahead and say it… WHEW!

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Details at 4Pillars.ca

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