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Debt Issues, Who Can You Trust? 4 Pillars North Vancouver

By Jennifer Virani

Debt Issues, Who Can You Trust?   4 Pillars North Vancouver

Have you ever had one of those days where you don’t want to be an adult anymore? You long for the carefree days of youthful innocence, optimism, and pure joy.  When you’re struggling with Debt Issues, every day has at least one moment that has you wishing you could quit being an adult. Back then, in your pre-debt life, things were easier.  You dreamt, you were hopeful, you saw the good in people.  You were a glass half full kind of person.  Now, you’re hopeless, your dreams have become nightmares, and your glass isn’t half empty, it’s laying shattered on the floor.  Of course you long for those days of make believe and pretend because your reality is cold, dark, and scary.

I’m not saying that getting rid of your debt, and the stress it brings to your life, will restore your youthful outlook; after all you still have to pay taxes. However, eliminating your debt will add years to your life, good years filled with hopes and dreams, and a very good chance you could make those dreams come true.

When you’re ready to stop pretending that your debt isn’t controlling your life, its time to ask for help.  This is also a time to exercise a little adult caution.  Living with debt has taken its toll on you, mentally and physically.  It has left to vulnerable to unscrupulous businesses who offer to help make your debt go away but in reality, leave you in even worse financial shape. This is not a good time to hear what you want to hear and disregard the rest. Keep your eyes and ears open. When you’re looking for debt help, do your research, don’t be shy and don’t be afraid to trust your gut.

A reputable Debt Specialist will encourage you to do your homework.  Don’t just google them, talk to the better business bureau, seek out former clients, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

  • If they aren’t charging you, ask them how they’re getting paid.
  • Ask for references. (Remember, they should be working for you!)
  • Ask for a detailed explanation of how they work and what exactly they are going to do to help you. (A successful debt restructuring plan should go beyond just dealing with your debt, it should help you create a sustainable budget and provide a comprehensive credit rebuilding program.)
  • Do they make you feel judged and blamed for your situation or do you sense sincere compassion and understanding?
  • Do you talk with an expert face to face, or are you dealing with a call center.
  • Does it feel like they genuinely care, with a true understanding of your situation, or are you just another file to process, sent away one size fits all, debt plan?


Your debt situation is unique to you. So are your long term financial goals.  A good Debt Restructuring Strategy will not only clean up your past, and take control of your present, it will lay the groundwork to ensure you are able to meet your goals and achieve your dreams.

I’m Jennifer Virani, your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist in North Vancouver.  One of the first things I can offer you is peace of mind.  As a 4 Pillars Debt Specialist I work for you, not your creditors. I am not affiliated with your creditors in any way, no Debt Specialist should be.  I am accountable to you, my client.  It is my job to lessen the burden of your debt, negotiate it to a manageable size, sometimes by up to 80%, and provide you with the tools to pay it off within 5 years. While I’m doing that I am also working on rebuilding your credit and planning your future.  In other words it’s my goal to see you debt free and thriving within 5 years, if not sooner!

Is 4 Pillars Debt Solutions a Scam?

Somedays it may seem like we’re too good to be true but NO, 4 Pillars is not a scam.  We do provide a service for which we charge a fee.  But, with that fee comes our assurance that we work only for you, not your creditors.  We are not impartial.  We represent your best interest and we have no obligations or duties to your creditors. In fact, over the last 15 years we have created a program to deal with debt that we believe is the most successful and most comprehensive in Canada.

To read the 4 Pillars promise in full, click here

4 Pillars Debt Solutions actually holds a very rare position in our industry. Many of our competitors are either funded by your creditors or have a fiduciary duty to them.  At 4 Pillars we believe when you are in the debt advisory business you either represent the debtor or your represent the creditor.  We don’t believe you can do both and remain impartial.   That would be like asking your favorite pastry chef to help you lose weight.  Good luck with that!

Since 2002, 4 Pillars Debt Solutions has been creating strategies to get Canadians out of debt, and keep them out of debt.  As a result 97% of our clients have successfully completed their debt restructuring programs and are now experiencing freedom from debt.  And with our help they have been able to rebuild their credit, quickly and effectively.

As a 4 Pillars Debt Specialist I’ve seen a few clients leave my office in tears, tears of joy. For the first time in a long time they are actually able to see a promising future ahead of them.  I am proud to say I have clients who are on their way to becoming first time homeowners, and clients who are looking forward to a very comfortable retirement.

To hear their stories and thousands more, click on this client testimonial link

A Healthy Dose of Skepticism

When you’re looking for debt help, you’re looking for transparency. As your Debt Specialist I want you to feel free to ask my anything and if I don’t have the answer I will get it for you.  Without transparency, there is no trust.  So check us out, do your homework and look us up at the Better Business Bureau, we’re very proud of our A+ rating.

Whether you are talking to 4 Pillars North Vancouver or one of the over 50 other locations across Canada, you will always be met with compassion and respect, by a professional who wants to see you debt free and thriving.

Click this link for the 4 Pillars locations near you.

What’s In It for You?

Here’s a fun fact, 4 Pillars Debt Solutions restructures almost $1 Million of debt every day.  So you know your debt is being taken care of by a proven winner.  Not only will we reduce your debt, help rebuild your credit, and pay off that debt, we’ll help you create a realistic budget and plan for your future.


At 4 Pillars North Vancouver I hear you.  I understand your concerns about your debt and its impact on your future.  So I take all of this into consideration and create a Debt Settlement Strategy that is going to work best for you.  I’ll negotiate with your creditors. I will keep you up to date with our progress.  I’ll present you with options.  Some of your options may include budgeting and financial education. Debt consolidation may be your best solution, or perhaps a consumer proposal. Regardless, I will be working for you, representing your interests and guiding you to your financial future.

If you’ve been told that bankruptcy is your only option, talk to me.  If it’s determined that a Consumer Proposal is a better, less drastic option, the 4 Pillars team will be there to help you structure the proposal on your terms. And we will represent you throughout the whole process.

If you’d like to talk about your debt or discuss your debt settlement options, call me, Jennifer Virani at 4 Pillars North Vancouver, (604) 621-9211.    I can’t return you to the care free days of your youth, but without debt dragging you down you’ll certainly have a lot more bounce in your step.

To learn more about 4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Visit us at 4Pillars.ca. And while you’re there, sign up for our free Debt Boot Camp.

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