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Debt Fatigue: tips to deal with your debt

By Blair Greenwood

Debt Fatigue: tips to deal with your debt

Are you experiencing debt fatigue? Do you have the same thoughts and questions over and over about your debt?

“When will it end?”
“I am ever going to get out of this?”
“How am I going to deal with this debt?”
“I’m always going to be in debt”

Have you been in debt for a long time? If you have, it’s easy to become discouraged and depressed and experience the feeling that you’ll never get out of it and it will never end.

All of a sudden, you’re spending again and you rack up even more debt. This brings on further feelings of discouragement and questions in your mind. It’s a never ending cycle. This is your debt fatigue.

  1. Recognize it

Your first step is to simply recognize the signs. Once you know the signs (feeling like all you do is pay bills, all you do is pay your minimum payments, and the feeling of the feeling of “it will never end” etc).

Step back from the situation, and realize that many of us find ourselves in this type of situation at some point in our lives. You are not alone and there are options out there for you to take control of this situation.

  1. Mini-rewards

 Like most people who are struggling with debt you have probably cut your spending down to the bare minimum and this can be one of the biggest factors of debt fatigue. Living at a bare minimum level is difficult to sustain over a long period of time. Give yourself a break with mini rewards. Work them into your budget, like a dinner out, a movie etc.

 Speak to Blair to help reduce your debt in Victoria

 Blair is committed to assisting individuals, families and businesses to find the most effective and quickest solution to their financial challenges. Blair has a strong passion for helping people overcome the stress and anxiety related to debt and credit issues and can help you reduce debt in Victoria by up to 80%.

 Make debt-free plans

Write down what you want to do once you’re debt free. Put them down on paper or pin pictures to a corkboard. Think of the freedom and choice you’ll have when you’re debt-free and let that be your inspiration.

 4 Pillars Victoria represents YOU – We do not work on behalf of your creditors, like many others do.

We are interested in finding a solution that is most likely to help you succeed in getting out of debt and staying out of debt.


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