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Debt and Millennials: What Would you tell your 20 something self?

By Jim Ferguson

Debt and Millennials: What Would you tell your 20 something self?

Millennials are getting a bad rap. I blame the man bun but it could be the know-it-all sense of entitlement with just a hint of pretentious arrogance. If you are rolling your eyes right now, you are probably a millennial. That said were we not just as annoying in our twenties. If we are being honest, we thought we had it all figured out, we were so much smarter than Mom and Dad! Except that in reality, we were oblivious to how little we actually knew, about anything. So, if you could go back in time, what would you say to your 20-year-old self? How about “Flannel is not your look”. “Your mullet makes you look like an idiot”. On the other hand, maybe “don’t marry your high school boyfriend, no matter how cool he looks in his Camaro!” If you are currently living with an overwhelming amount of debt, the first thing you should tell your 20 year old self is this…

Credit is NOT free money
For most of us, our 20s is when we first got our first credit cards. Oh, that intoxicating feeling of pulling out a piece of plastic and getting everything you wanted. Back then we all believed that membership had its privileges. It was a carefree time, your responsibilities were minimal and your future was years away. Well, flash forward 20, 30, 40 years, and the future is now. You do not have a flying car. You are not married to Cindy Crawford. Moreover, you are not rolling in the Benjamin’s. However, you are in debt and afraid for your financial future. You are closer to retirement age than college and you cannot afford either. You feel defeated, humiliated and broke. Your debt has robbed you of your peace of mind, your savings and security. Well, since you can’t change the past, maybe you can change your future.

Debt Help, rewriting the future
4 Pillars Debt Solutions has been helping Canadians get out of debt since 2002. In fact, over 97% of their clients successfully complete the plans they create. In Hamilton, call 4 Pillars Hamilton Debt Specialist Jim Ferguson. With Jim by your side, you will see your debt reduced by up to 80%, leaving you debt free within five years!

After your free initial consultation, Jim will create a debt strategy that works best for your situation. It may be debt consolidation, debt restructuring, or some other form of debt settlement. Whatever debt restructuring strategy Jim comes up with, not only will he work with you to eliminate your debt, he will work with you to rebuild your credit. For real debt help call Jim Ferguson of 4 Pillars Hamilton at 905-528-7887. Jim may not have the secret to time travel but he can help ensure your future looks bright.

As for today’s twenty-somethings, they will figure it out, just as we did. Of course a little unsolicited advice couldn’t hurt, just be prepared for the big eye roll!

Four Pillars Debt Solutions. Details at 4Pillars.ca

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