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Credit Cards: NOT Free Money!

By Frank Eichinger

Credit Cards: NOT Free Money  

People say all kinds of things they don’t really mean.  “The cheque’s in the mail” is a popular cliché that nobody really takes stalk in.  Mostly because nobody really writes cheques anymore, let alone mails anything.  “Let’s have lunch sometime”, another friendly, yet innocuous statement that usually results in nothing.  And of course there’s the popular battle cry amongst millennials “You Only Live Once so charge it today, worry about it tomorrow”.  That’s a great philosophy, if mom and dad are paying your bills.  But, it can also lead to one of the most misinterpreted statements around.  Credit Cards are FREE Money.

They are not.  I can’t stress this enough, your credit cards are NOT free money.  Just because you’re not peeling off a wad of dollar bills at the point of purchase doesn’t mean you get free ride.  Suffice it to say any parent who’s still paying their kids bills at the age of 25, is not necessarily doing that kid any favors, unless you plan to support them into old age.

Growing Up with Credit

Credit requires a certain amount of maturity, common sense, and responsibility.  Which makes you wonder why credit card companies are handing out credit to 18 and 19 year olds.  That said, there are some 30 and 40 somethings who shouldn’t be trusted with credit cards.  It’s almost like the banks and credit card companies are setting you up to fail. It’s like they want you to get into debt, max out your cards, exceed your credit limit, and rack up tons of late fees, interest payments, and penalties.  Ask anyone who is struggling with debt.  There is nothing FREE about credit cards.  In fact you are paying in ways you never imagined.

When you’re living with debt the cost is substantial; not just financially but personally, physically, and emotionally.  Your debt controls your life. It dictates every decision you make.  Debt is the reason your savings are nil, your relationships are strained, your job is in jeopardy, you are constantly tired, stressed out, and your health is at risk.   You’re paying a very big price for your debt, and whether you realize it or not, you’ve been paying that price for years.

Debt Help: it’s time

When your debt is so out of control you lose hope for a brighter future, a debt free future, then it’s time to say NO!  No to the control your debt has on your life.  When you’re ready to deal with your debt, call 4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  4 Pillars has been helping Canadians reduce their debt since 2002. In fact over 97% of their clients have successfully completed their debt restructuring plans; making 4 Pillars Debt Solutions an industry leader in Canada.

In Brampton and surrounding areas, your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist is Frank Eichinger.   As a 4 Pillars Debt Specialist Frank works for YOU not your creditors.  Frank and his team will put together the debt settlement strategy that works best for YOUR situation.  Your first consultation is free, unlike your credit cards, and in that meeting you’ll be met with compassion, understanding respect.  Frank will help you navigate all of the financial terminology, he’ll create a plan to deal with your creditors and help you create a proper budget.  And as part of the 4 Pillars After-Care Program, Frank will even help you rebuild your credit.

By exploring your best options Frank will help you with every aspect of your debt resettlement.  The solution may be as simple as debt consolidation; putting all of your debt into one lower payment and creating a workable budget.  In fact, Frank will help you reduce your debt by up to 80% and have it paid off within 5 years.

Call Frank Eichinger of 4 Pillars Brampton today, (647) 403-4992.  If you’re serious about getting rid of your debt and taking your life back, don’t promise to call sometime… call now.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Details at 4Pillars.ca

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