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Category: Filing Bankruptcy

How 4 Pillars helped a local ad agency avoid bankruptcy

By Paul Murphy

This post is written by 4 Pillars’ managing partner and financial literacy expert Paul Murphy. Paul has 20+ years of experience in the banking and financial service industry.  Ryan, age 50, (name changed for privacy) ran a successful ad agency in a medium-sized Canadian city. Despite being a respected local business owner, his company began … Continue reading How 4 Pillars helped a local ad agency avoid bankruptcy

What happens when a person files for Bankruptcy?

By Darrell Pauls

What happens when a person files for Bankruptcy? If you have a large amount of debt that is too much to bear, you may be considering filing for bankruptcy. Many people do not understand what is all involved in a bankruptcy so I wanted to take a few minutes today to give you a brief … Continue reading What happens when a person files for Bankruptcy?

Debt Night Mares: The Dream that Doesn’t End When You Wake

By Benjy Houser

Debt Night Mares:  The Dream that Doesn’t End When You Wake Everyone has experienced a stress dream of some sort.  You’ve dreamt you arrived late for a big test, you’ve shown up for work without your clothes on, you’re running from some unseen entity.  Stress dreams happen when your subconscious mind is trying to sort … Continue reading Debt Night Mares: The Dream that Doesn’t End When You Wake

Bankruptcy Trustees: Know your friends

By Robert Osborne

Bankruptcy Trustees: Know your friends There’s an old saying that you don’t really know who your friends are until you need them. When you’re experiencing financial difficulties it’s easy to see who your real friends are… they’re the ones still taking your calls! Now these friends will want to help, offering sage advice on how … Continue reading Bankruptcy Trustees: Know your friends

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