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Category: Debt Stories - Page 3

Debt Consolidation Case Study for a North York, ON Resident

By Zach Brull

How Working in the Best Interests of the Debtor Produced a Debt Consolidation for the Ages In January 2014 I met with a gentleman who I immediately realized was extremely cheerful by nature. I don’t want to use his real name, so let’s call him Jerry. It’s a good thing Jerry was naturally cheerful as … Continue reading Debt Consolidation Case Study for a North York, ON Resident

Case Study: Kitchener Resident Faces Bankruptcy

By Scott Patton

In 2014, I met a Kitchener resident who was facing such terrible financial difficulties that they were considering filing a bankruptcy through a trustee. The individual was highly educated but had recently become unemployed after buying a new home. She also had an older unreliable vehicle that was costing more to fix than what it … Continue reading Case Study: Kitchener Resident Faces Bankruptcy

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