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Category: Debt Restructuring - Page 26

I’m Embarrassed By My Debt

By Trevor Glasser

This is a common theme for people in debt.  Unfortunately society seems to make an association between a person’s character and their net worth.  Sadly, this is not a fair measure at all as other people don’t know how you got into the situation you are in.  Having debt issues does not necessarily reflect on … Continue reading I’m Embarrassed By My Debt

Small Business Case Study, Kitchener ON

By Scott Patton

Small business financial assessment Several months ago through my referral network, I was asked to contact a small business client in financial trouble who did not want to go bankrupt.  After an initial phone call to assess their financial difficulties, they decided to come into my office and meet me for their free consultation. Upon … Continue reading Small Business Case Study, Kitchener ON

Bankruptcy Versus Consumer Proposal – Kootenays, BC

By Robert Osborne

 How does Canadian Insolvency Work The Bankruptcy Insolvency Act (BIA) provides two remedies to settling debt through either bankruptcy or consumer proposal and each has pros and cons. Regardless of which one a consumer (or business chooses) the unsecured debts are dealt with and within 24 hours there is a stay of proceedings where creditors … Continue reading Bankruptcy Versus Consumer Proposal – Kootenays, BC

How Can Insolvency Create A Wealth Opportunity?

By Trevor Glasser

It might sound crazy but dealing with insolvency can create a wealth opportunity. To understand what I am talking about let’s first consider what the different aspects of this concept are including the insolvency itself and wealth creation. What is insolvency? The basic definition of insolvency is when an individual can no longer meet the … Continue reading How Can Insolvency Create A Wealth Opportunity?

The Reasons 4 Pillars Has a 97% Success Rate

By Zach Brull

If you take some time to browse www.4pillars.ca you will notice that we proudly claim to possess a 97% success rate with all our restructuring programs. This number isn’t an accident. It’s the result of a commitment and concerted effort to counter the average success rate within the debt restructuring industry which unfortunately rests at … Continue reading The Reasons 4 Pillars Has a 97% Success Rate

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