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Category: Debt In Canada - Page 10

Consumer proposal vs bankruptcy? This Ontario family went from $120,000 to $19,500 in debt

By Paul Murphy

  The debt situation: A family contacted our 4 Pillars office in Barrie Ontario. They had $120,000K in unsecured debt. They were considering bankruptcy. Monthly payments: Their minimal debt payments had risen to a crippling $3,500 per month. Methods they had tried: The family accepted full responsibility for their debt. They had already looked at other debt solutions. … Continue reading Consumer proposal vs bankruptcy? This Ontario family went from $120,000 to $19,500 in debt

The Fear of Dealing with a Financial Crisis

By Robert Osborne

One of the biggest obstacles for people to overcome in dealing with their debt is the fear that others may find out you have experienced a financial crisis. As in the article “I am embarrassed by my debt “ by Trevor Glasser overwhelming debt can be not only embarrassing but debilitating and destructive to your … Continue reading The Fear of Dealing with a Financial Crisis

I’m Embarrassed By My Debt

By Trevor Glasser

This is a common theme for people in debt.  Unfortunately society seems to make an association between a person’s character and their net worth.  Sadly, this is not a fair measure at all as other people don’t know how you got into the situation you are in.  Having debt issues does not necessarily reflect on … Continue reading I’m Embarrassed By My Debt

How Can Insolvency Create A Wealth Opportunity?

By Trevor Glasser

It might sound crazy but dealing with insolvency can create a wealth opportunity. To understand what I am talking about let’s first consider what the different aspects of this concept are including the insolvency itself and wealth creation. What is insolvency? The basic definition of insolvency is when an individual can no longer meet the … Continue reading How Can Insolvency Create A Wealth Opportunity?

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