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Category: Best Ways To Get Out Of Debt - Page 7


By Scott Patton

WHAT IS HOLDING YOU BACK FROM GETTING FINANCIAL HELP? FEAR Unfortunately, this is one of the main reasons that someone experiencing financial difficulty, continues to struggle for years before seeking help. Fear of what will happen to them personally. Fear of losing everything they own, especially their home. If you are indeed struggling financially and … Continue reading WHAT IS HOLDING YOU BACK FROM GETTING FINANCIAL HELP?

Debt Consolidation vs. Debt Settlement

By Chris Grew

Debt Consolidation vs. Debt Settlement I am often contacted by clients wanting to know the difference between Debt Consolidation and Debt Settlement/Debt Restructuring. In today’s column, we will explore the difference between the two: Debt Consolidation can often be an excellent way for a person, carrying too much unsecured debt, i.e., credit cards, lines of … Continue reading Debt Consolidation vs. Debt Settlement

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