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Breaking Up with Debt

By Benjy Houser

Breaking Up with Debt

Some relationships were meant to last forever, others tend to run their course.  Some end on good terms, others not so much.  Sometimes you’re the one being dumped, sometimes you’re the one calling it quits.  Some relationships are so toxic that you don’t realize how bad they are until you’re finally free of them.  If you’re in a toxic relationship with debt then you may have realized it’s time to move on.

It’s Not Me it’s YOU!

Breaking up with debt can be messy.  By now you realize it’s been a one sided relationship where you do all the giving and debt does all the taking.  First it takes your money, your peace of mind, and slowly your hopes and dreams.  It’s cost you jobs, friends, and a self-esteem.  No matter how much distance you try to put between debt and yourself, it keeps coming back.  You ignore its calls and change your number but then it starts showing up where you work.  After first debt was just an annoyance, some embarrassing loser you couldn’t shake, but now you’re seriously considering getting a restraining order.

The cash is always greener on the other side 

The thing that first attracted you to debt was how attentive it was, there to make all your dreams come true, but before you knew it your whole world revolved around debt.  And when you tried to move on you realized just how clingy your debt could be.  Clearly this is no way to live, but how do you kick your debt to the curb once and for all.

Debt Help; where have you been all my life?

4 Pillars Debt Solutions has been helping Canadians reduce their debt since 2002.  In fact, over 97% of their clients have stayed out of debt, making 4 Pillars the industry leader. In Nanaimo, your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist is Benjy Houser.  Unlike bankruptcy trustees Benjy works for YOU not your creditors.  By exploring the options that work best for your situation Benjy will help you with every aspect of your debt settlement.  He’ll deal with your creditors, and once an appropriate plan is in place, he’ll work with you to rebuild your credit. Sometimes your debt requires a different approach.  If a Consumer Proposal is your best option, Benjy will represent you throughout the whole process.

With Benjy as your relationship coach you will find your debt reduced by up to 80% and totally paid off with in 5 years. And unlike that loser, debt, Benjy will be there for you every step of the way!  Call Benjy Houser of 4 Pillars Nanaimo at 250-729-6500 and kiss your debt goodbye for good!

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Details at 4Pillars.ca

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