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4 Pillars Articles

Debt Issues, Who Can You Trust? 4 Pillars Halifax

By Shawn Frank

Debt Issues, Who Can You Trust?   4 Pillars Halifax Trust is tricky.  Finding someone to trust with your secrets starts at a  young age, and you risk betrayal if the person you’ve entrusted with your faith fails to keep your confidence.  By the time you’re an adult, you’ve usually found someone you can trust and … Continue reading Debt Issues, Who Can You Trust? 4 Pillars Halifax

Life after Debt: Rebuilding with 4 Pillars Halifax

By Shawn Frank

Life after Debt: Rebuilding with 4 Pillars Halifax With the ringing in of a new year comes the promise of a new beginning, a fresh start, a renewed sense of hope.  This is the year you’re going to lose weight, save money, exercise more, read more.  Whatever your New Years’ resolutions may look like, they … Continue reading Life after Debt: Rebuilding with 4 Pillars Halifax

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