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4 Pillars Articles

The Fear of Dealing with a Financial Crisis

By Robert Osborne

One of the biggest obstacles for people to overcome in dealing with their debt is the fear that others may find out you have experienced a financial crisis. As in the article “I am embarrassed by my debt “ by Trevor Glasser overwhelming debt can be not only embarrassing but debilitating and destructive to your … Continue reading The Fear of Dealing with a Financial Crisis

Bankruptcy Versus Consumer Proposal – Kootenays, BC

By Robert Osborne

 How does Canadian Insolvency Work The Bankruptcy Insolvency Act (BIA) provides two remedies to settling debt through either bankruptcy or consumer proposal and each has pros and cons. Regardless of which one a consumer (or business chooses) the unsecured debts are dealt with and within 24 hours there is a stay of proceedings where creditors … Continue reading Bankruptcy Versus Consumer Proposal – Kootenays, BC

Get out of debt: practical advice from a professional

By Robert Osborne

This post is by Bob Osborne, from our 4 Pillars Kootenays office. You can read his bio and find out about his debt consolidation services for Castlegar, Nelson, Cranbrook, Trail, and Grandforks here.  I was playing with my phone –Galaxy 4 – I am no techy by the longest stretch of the imagination when I come across … Continue reading Get out of debt: practical advice from a professional

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