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4 Pillars or A Licensed Insolvency Trustee: your best option in North Vancouver

By Jennifer Virani

4 Pillars or A Licensed Insolvency Trustee: your best option in North Vancouver

When you’re struggling with debt you know what it’s like to have limited options.  Your dining choices go from 4 Stars with an impeccable wine list to waiting in your car while some kid tries to sell you larger fries. When it comes dealing with your debt you do have options, though it may feel like you’re trying to choose the best poison; do you take the one with the lingering, unknown, side effects or the one that will most likely kill you?  Some choice!  You need help, real Debt Help!

4 Pillars North Vancouver Debt Consultants work for the YOU the consumer.  Trustees Work for your Creditors. 

If your debt has gotten to the point where you feel your only option is Bankruptcy or a Consumer Proposal make sure you have all of the facts.

  • You are legally required to go through a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (formerly known as a Bankruptcy Trustee) to file and administer a Bankruptcy or Consumer proposal.
  • The Licensed Insolvency Trustee or LIT is NOT legally required to work in your best interests.
  • The Trustee has several statutory obligations under the Act, none of which is to act as a financial advisor to a consumer struggling with consumer debt.
  • The LIT is not obligated to help a consumer get the best possible result when making a consumer proposal or a bankruptcy.
  • The LIT has a fiduciary duty to your creditors. Not to you.


  • You are within your legal right to hire an expert of your own to navigate the process, advocate on your behalf, and ensure you get the best possible outcome for your personal situation.


4 Pillars Creates Lasting Solutions

4 Pillars Debt Consultants work for you so there is no conflict of interest.  They work to reduce your debt by up to 80 percent, and then they work with you on a comprehensive credit rebuilding plan so you are not left vulnerable for future financial challenges. In fact, with 4 Pillars by your side you will be debt free within 5 years.

With 4 Pillars Debt Specialist you have a caring and compassionate financial expert who will work to create the best solution for your financial situation.  Because one of the first casualties of debt is your credit rating, you may find it difficult to move forward from your debt. Forget about getting a mortgage, even the guy at the used car lot won’t approve you for a loan, and they approve everybody!   Fortunately 4 Pillars has programs in place to help you rebuild you credit, quickly and effectively.  They will even help you create a realistic budget that lets you plan for your future. And, that is just the beginning.

If you’re unsure of your debt situation or how to proceed, 4 Pillars offers an online Debt Bootcamp that can help.  Sign up for free at 4Pillars.ca.  4 Pillars also offers a comprehensive After Care Program ensuring you’re a valued client for life.  4 Pillars has been helping Canadians reduce their debt since 2002. In fact over 97% of their clients have successfully completed their debt restructuring plans; making 4 Pillars an industry leader in Canada.  4 Pillar’s After Care Program is so successful that competing companies have been sending their clients to 4 Pillars to ensure they have the tools to not only stay out of debt, but they are able to reach their financial goals.

4 Pillars Culture of Caring 

4 Pillars has helped thousands of Canadians see their way out of debt.  With a little tenacity and persistence, our Debt Specialist in Barrie Ontario was able to help a young family avoid bankruptcy and reduce their debt from $120,000 to $19,500.

The young Ontario family approached 4 Pillars in Barrie for help with their debt.  They’d been to a Trustee in Toronto who told them they could only reduce their debt to $81,000 leaving them with a monthly payment of $1350.  This amount was still more than they could afford and they feared they would soon lose everything.  The 4 Pillars Debt Specialist knew there were better options for this hard working family and she set out to reduce their debt even further. Through perseverance she negotiated with the bankruptcy trustees to structure a Consumer Proposal this young family could afford; taking their monthly payments from a staggering $3500 a month to an affordable $350 a month over the next 60 months!

should I declare bankruptcy or file a consumer proposal Canada

Hi, I’m Jennifer Virani and I’m your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist in North Vancouver.  Over the next two installments I’ll be telling you about the approach credit counsellors and trustees take with your debt, I’ll also give you a glimpse into your debt free future, and share some of my favorite success stories.

So when you’re ready to talk about Debt Settlement, Debt Consolidation or just to find out what options are really available to you, call me today to set up a free initial consultation.  (604) 612-9211.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Visit us at 4Pillars.ca


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