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4 Pillars or A Licensed Insolvency Trustee: your best option in Barrie

By Terryl Allen

4 Pillars or A Licensed Insolvency Trustee: your best option in Barrie

If you’re a person struggling under the weight of your debt you know how hard it is to get out from under it.  You’ve probably tried to manage your debt on your own, only to find it growing.  Suddenly your cash flow is restricted, your savings are gone and your peace of mind is a thing of the past.  In this day and age there are a lot of options available to you when it comes to dealing with your debt.  But, of these so-called experts who can you trust to work on your behalf and guide you through the debt maze?  Who has the expertise to only focus on your best interests, to see you through this stressful time and help rebuild your credit and your financial future?

4 Pillars Barrie Debt Consultants work for the YOU the consumer.  Trustees Work for your Creditors. 

If you are considering Bankruptcy or a Consumer Proposal you are legally required to go through a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (formerly known as a Bankruptcy Trustee) to file and administer a Bankruptcy or Consumer proposal. However, the Trustee is NOT legally required to work in your best interests.  In fact, the Trustee has several statutory obligations under the Act, none of which is to act as a financial advisor to a consumer struggling with consumer debt. Nor are they obligated to help you get the best possible result when making a consumer proposal or a bankruptcy.  In fact this Trustee actually has a fiduciary duty to your creditors.  Now, just because you are legally required to go through a trustee, there is nothing preventing you from having an expert of your own to navigate the process, advocate on your behalf, and ensure you get the best possible outcome for your personal situation.

If you’re planning a vacation you don’t call the folks at Hilton or Marriot and ask them to recommend a good hotel.  If you do, the resort they suggest will naturally be one of theirs.  No, instead you search for the best rate and location through Expedia or a similar online service that combs the data bases of 100s of properties to offer you the best rates and the best choices, for your dream vacation.

Now, to really get away from it all, your debt that is, know that 4 Pillars Debt Consultants work for you and not your creditors.  There is no conflict of interest.   4 Pillars’ will work to reduce your debt by up to 80 percent!  Then they will put together a comprehensive credit rebuilding plan so you are not left vulnerable for future financial challenges.  In fact, 4 Pillars will see you completely debt free within 5 years, and they will get you there with compassion, and understanding. No judgement, no blame.


4 Pillars Creates Lasting Solutions

Your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist is a financial expert who will analyze your financial situation and create a debt settlement strategy you can live with.  And that is just the beginning.  Your debt can wreak havoc on your credit score, making it impossible to move forward financially. Forget about getting a mortgage, you may have trouble finding an apartment or leasing a vehicle. 4 Pillars has programs in place to help you rebuild you credit, quickly and effectively.  They will help you create a realistic budget that lets you plan for your future. If you’re unsure of your debt situation or how to proceed, 4 Pillars offers a free online Debt Bootcamp.  Sign up at 4Pillars.ca.  Because 4 Pillars offers a comprehensive After Care Program, you’re not a forgotten number once your debt is dealt with, you’re a valued client for life.

4 Pillars has been helping Canadians reduce their debt since 2002. In fact over 97% of their clients have successfully completed their debt restructuring plans; making 4 Pillars an industry leader in Canada.  In fact, 4 Pillar’s After Care Program is so successful their competitors are sending their clients to 4 Pillars to ensure they have the tools to not only stay out of debt, but they are able to reach their financial goals.

4 Pillars Culture of Caring 

Hi, I’m Terryl Allen, your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist in Barrie.  4 Pillars has helped thousands of Canadians see their way out of debt.  And I’d like to share a success story that I am very proud of.  With a little tenacity and persistence I was able to help a lovely young family avoid bankruptcy and reduce their debt from $120,000 to $19,500.

This family had been to a Trustee in Toronto who told them they could only reduce their debt to $81,000 leaving them with a monthly payment of $1350.  Unfortunately this was still more than they could afford to pay and they feared they would soon lose everything.  I knew there were better options available for this hard working family so I set out get their debt reduced even further. With a little perseverance I was able to negotiate with the bankruptcy trustees to structure a Consumer Proposal this young family could actually afford; taking their monthly payments from a staggering $3500 a month to an affordable $350 a month over the next 60 months!

should I declare bankruptcy or file a consumer proposal Canada

Over the next two installments I’ll be explaining the approach that credit counsellors and trustees take with your debt and I’ll also give you a glimpse into your own debt free future.  I think you’ll like what you see.

To learn more about debt settlement or if you have any concerns about your own debt situation, call me, Terryl Allen your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist in Barrie for your free initial consultation. (705) 812-0578

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Visit us at 4Pillars.ca


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