The fees charged by credit counselors are usually built into your monthly payments. Most credit counselors charge a 10-15% processing fee based on the amount of your debt. And, you typically repay 100% of the amount owed.
To help better serve those facing financial challenges, 4 Pillars will never charge a debt advisory fee or any upfront fees.
Are there any fees?
Yes, debtors will be charged an optional fee after the debt solution has been implemented. The first step is always ensuring the debtor finds the most effective way to deal with their debt; Once we have helped them find the most appropriate solution for their debt, we will then turn our attention to the most overlooked aspect of financial recovery: We will help debtors rebuild their credit by providing the tools and education they need to establish a stable financial future, free from economic challenges.
All of this is included in the Financial Advocacy and Wellness agreement available after the debt solution is implemented.